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Medical thermography

What is Medical Thermography?

Medical thermography is used for screening various health conditions, including breast health, thyroid dysfunction, lymph congestion, vascular and nervous system disorders, abdominal inflammation, muscle disorders, rheumatic conditions, and more. 
Suitable for both men and women, it offers a preventive approach that is often more efficient and cost-effective than treatment. 
Medical thermography visualizes early-stage physiological changes, facilitating early intervention.

As a state-of-the-art, non-invasive procedure, thermography detects heat patterns to locate temperature differences in the body. Many pathological processes manifest as increased heat, while certain neurological conditions may show cold or hypothermia. For instance, breast conditions can be identified by observing areas of increased heat, which may indicate angiogenesis or blood vessel growth associated with a tumor. Unlike X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, and other anatomical imaging technologies, infrared medical technology captures physiological information directly.

Key Facts about Medical Thermography

  • Safe, easy, painless, and radiation-free body scan
  • No direct contact, compression, or discomfort
  • Real-time imaging of physiological changes in the body
  • Detects inflammation based on temperature changes
  • Identifies fibrocystic disease and tumor inflammation
  • Effectively and safely scans dense breast tissue and women with implants
  • Useful for assessing chest wall size post-breast surgery
  • Enables early intervention opportunities

What is a Thermographic Examination?

Thermography is a non-invasive imaging method for identifying physiological and metabolic changes in living organisms. It is particularly valuable for assessing microcirculation, inflammation, myofascial dysfunction, and nervous system responses. In oncology, thermography is used to detect breast cancer and other anomalies, often indicated by elevated temperatures associated with tumor development.

Indications for Thermographic Diagnostics

Digital infrared thermography has a wide range of applications, including:

  • Objective assessment of pain severity
  • Locating inflammation and degenerative changes
  • Diagnosing cardiovascular diseases (deep vein disease, thrombosis, Raynaud’s syndrome)
  • Identifying rheumatic changes
  • Diagnosing nervous system disorders (facial nerve palsy, migraines, neuralgia, peripheral nerve injuries)
  • Locating musculoskeletal injuries (muscle and fascia inflammation, bruises, carpal tunnel syndrome, sprains, arthritis)
  • Breast, skin, and thyroid cancer screening
Book an Appointment

To schedule a thermographic examination, please call us at: +48 880 110 060 or email us at: infocentrumzdrowiabiomed@gmail.com

Breast Cancer Statistics in Young Women

A critical area to consider is the often-overlooked group of women under 40. In Europe, over 20,000 cases of breast cancer are reported annually in this age group. When breast cancer develops in younger women, it is often more aggressive and less responsive to treatment. 

Currently, there is no routine screening for women under 40, which makes thermography an ideal examination method, as it is radiation-free. Annual thermographic checks are recommended starting from the age of 20.

This approach could be beneficial in early detection and preventive care for younger women who are at risk but outside the age range for traditional mammograms.
Retroareolar Tumor
In this patient, a thermographic examination identified a 1.4 cm tumor located behind the right nipple. This mass had gone undetected by several mammograms. Mammography can miss up to 20% of tumors and is statistically less effective in women with dense breast tissue.
Hormonal Imbalance
This patient shows heat patterns consistent with hormonal imbalance. There are multiple forms of estrogen beyond E1, E2, and E3 that interact with receptors. Xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens can highlight areas in thermographic imaging that may not be visible in saliva or blood tests.
Whole-body thermography can, in many cases, reveal inflammation in the abdominal cavity long before it becomes noticeable as a symptom or pain. In this particular instance, inflammation is visible in the upper right quadrant above the liver.

Więcej informacji na temat diagnostyki termograficznej znajdziesz na naszym blogu oraz w prasie:

Termografia w trosce o zdrowie

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Jak się przygotować do diagnostyki termograficznej?

Aby wyniki badania były jak najbardziej miarodajne należy się do niego odpowiednio przygotować.

W dniu badania nie należy:

  • spożywać gorących posiłków i napojów;
  • pić alkoholu;
  • pić napojów pobudzających jak kawa, mocna herbata, yerba-mate, napoi energetycznych itp.;
  • przyjmować tzw. „spalaczy tłuszczu";
  • zażywać gorących kąpieli i pryszniców;
  • opalać się;
  • korzystać z sauny, łaźni, solarium;
  • naświetlać się lub poddawać krioterapii;
  • nie odbywać zabiegów fizykoterapii i masaży;
  • nie uprawiać gimnastyki, nie korzystać z siłowni i klubów fitness;
  • poddawać się peelingom do ciała, także depilacji i golenia;
  • stosować kosmetyków do makijażu, kremów, balsamów do ciała, dezodorantów i
  • przyjmować leków rozgrzewających, przeciwzapalnych i antyhistaminowych, przeciwpotnych,
    napotnych, przeciwbólowych, a w przypadku zażywania środków będących częścią leczenia należy
    poinformować o tym fakcie przed badaniem.

Na badanie nie należy:

  • przychodzić w odzieży, kłującej i szorstkiej (np. swetry z naturalnej wełny);
  • nie przyjeżdżać rowerem lub innym sprzętem wymagającym intensywnej pracy mięśni.

Wyniki mogą być także niemiarodajne w przypadkach:

  • osób zmieniających strefę czasową dobową (loty międzykontynentalne);
  • osób w bardzo silnym stresie (np. śmierć bliskich, utrata pracy).

Jeśli nie jesteś czegoś pewien/pewna, zapytaj: 880 110 060

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